The true value of an education in American Studies lies within its fundamental composition as an interdisciplinary realm of study. It aims to challenge the traditional academic model by eliminating boundaries between disciplines and instead draws from a wealth of knowledge and perspectives. As a prospective freshman I found myself interested in the field because of this unique approach to learning, and have since found it to have been instrumental in my overall development as a student and scholar. My coursework in American Studies has cultivated a truly analytical spirit within myself that will serve me well in whatever path in life I choose to pursue. Through departmental guidance I have learned to produce articulate and elegant academic work, engage in deep critical thought, and reconcile complex and oftentimes conflicting assumptions and assertions about American society. I truly cannot underscore just how much I have gained from the field, and would encourage any interested students to explore the nuanced and multi-faceted approaches to history that American Studies offers. I am excited to continue complicating my understanding of America in all its forms as a PhD student in the field at George Washington University in the fall of 2019.

Sarah Asseff

Sarah Asseff