Category: Alumni

AMS Alum in Documentary on Lynching

Lily Hoyle, a 12-year-old from Mobile, AL, created a short documentary about the 1981 lynching of 19-year-old Michael Donald, “The Lynching That Brought Down the Klan in Alabama.” An AMS alumnus, Derek Barry, now an American Studies teacher at the Alabama School of Math and Science, appears as a guest commentator in the film.  

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AMS Alum Savannah Harper Publishes in The Explicator

The American Studies Department is pleased to congratulate Savannah Harper, whose essay “Greenery as a Symbol of Immigrant Hardship and Vulnerability in Gish Jen’s Typical American” appears in the latest issue of The Explicator, a scholarly journal focused on text-based criticism. Savannah, who earned her AMS degree from UA in 2016, wrote the paper for Dr. Hubbs’s Fictions of American Identity course in fall 2015. You can read Savannah’s essay here:

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“‘To See Justice Done’: Letters from the Scottsboro Trials,” an online scholarly resource Just Launched by University of Alabama graduate Margaret Sasser (M.A. in American Studies, 2014) and Dr. Ellen Griffith Spears, associate professor in New College and the Department of American Studies, and the Alabama Digital Humanities Center: “‘To See Justice Done’: Letters from the Scottsboro Trials,” an online scholarly resource for researching social justice and African American history. In 1931, in the Depression Era South, nine young African Americans hopped a train in a Chattanooga freight yard and headed west […]

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