Congratulations to AMS Professor Stacy Morgan for his new book!

Congratulations to American Studies Professor Stacy Morgan for the upcoming release of his latest book,  Frankie and Johnny: Race, Gender, and the Work of African American Folklore in 1930s America. The book, published by the University of Texas Press and now available for pre-order, Frankie and Johnny “presents a new argument for the centrality of African American folklore as a source of cultural expression in the 1930s.” “I am extremely impressed by this book. I think it will be a valuable addition to African American […]

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“‘To See Justice Done’: Letters from the Scottsboro Trials,” an online scholarly resource Just Launched by University of Alabama graduate Margaret Sasser (M.A. in American Studies, 2014) and Dr. Ellen Griffith Spears, associate professor in New College and the Department of American Studies, and the Alabama Digital Humanities Center: “‘To See Justice Done’: Letters from the Scottsboro Trials,” an online scholarly resource for researching social justice and African American history. In 1931, in the Depression Era South, nine young African Americans hopped a train in a Chattanooga freight yard and headed west […]

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